Top 51 CodeIgniter Interview Questions

Q1. What is CodeIgniter?

Q2. List some features provided by CodeIgniter?

Q3. What are hooks in CodeIgnitor?

Q4. What are different types of hook points in CodeIgniter?

Q5. How do you check the version of CodeIgniter?

Q6. difference between helper and library in CodeIgniter?

Q7. What is routing in CodeIgniter?

Q8. What are drivers in CodeIgniter?

Q9. Why CodeIgniter is called a loosely based MVC framework?

Q10. List Databases supported By Codeigniter Frameworks?

Q11. How to add/load a model in CodeIgniter?

Q12. How do you autoload a model in codeigniter?

Q13. Explain the folder structure of CodeIgniter

Q14. What is inhibitor are Codeigniter?

Q15. What are the advantages of CodeIgniter?

Q16. Explain MVC in CodeIgniter

Q17. How can you load a view in CodeIgniter?

Q18. What is the architecture of CodeIgniter?

Q19. Please explain about data flow in CodeIgniter?

Q20. How to define a default controller in CodeIgniter?

Q21. What is meant by a library?

Q22. How can you remove index.php from URL in Codeigniter?

Q23. What is CSRF token in CodeIgniter?

Q24. What is the difference between Laravel and CodeIgniter?

Q25. How do you load a helper file?

Q26. Explain the remapping method calls in CodeIgniter?

Q27. How can you load multiple helper files?

Q28. What is the work of anchor tag in CodeIgniter?

Q29. How to send an E-mail using CodeIgniter?

Q30. How to get uri segment in codeigniter?

Q31. How can you extend a class in CodeIgniter?

Q32. Why is URL routes need to be configured?

Q33. What is the security parameter for XSS in CodeIgniter?

Q34. How do you enable hooks in CodeIgniter?

Q35. What is the method to link multiple databases in CodeIgniter?

Q36. What are security methods in CodeIgniter?

Q37. What are Sessions In CodeIgniter? How to read, write or remove session in CodeIgniter?

Q38. What is the CLI? Why we use CLI in Codeigniter?

Q39. How can we use redirect in Codeigniter?

Q40. How to check a field or column exists in a table or not in Codeigniter?

Q41. What is an ORM in Codeigniter?

Q42. In which directory logs are saved in Codeigniter?

Q43. How many types of messages can you log in Codeigniter?

Q44. How to create a driver in CodeIgniter?

Q45. List all the auto loadable resources in CodeIgniter?

Q46. How to print SQL query in CodeIgniter model?

Q47. How can we get last inserted ID in codeigniter?

Q48. What is the Default URL Pattern in Codeigniter?

Q49. What do you mean by the model in CodeIgniter?

Q50. What do you mean by the views in CodeIgniter

Q51. What do you mean by the controller in CodeIgniter?