Top 51 AngularJS Interview Questions

Q1. What is Angular?

Q2. What is TypeScript?

Q3. Why was Angular introduced?

Q4. Explain the various features of Angular?

Q5. How does an Angular application work?

Q6. What is the difference between AngularJS and Angular?

Q7. What are some powerful features integrated into Angular?

Q8. Some advantages of Angular over other frameworks?

Q9. What are the key components of Angular?

Q10. What is data binding?

Q11. What are Single Page Applications (SPA)?

Q12. What is the main purpose of Angular?

Q13. What are components?

Q14. What are Lifecycle hooks in Angular?

Q15. How are Angular expressions different from JavaScript expressions?

Q16. What are the differences between Component and Directive?

Q17. What are templates in Angular?

Q18. Explain Dependency Injection?

Q19. What is a module?

Q20. What is metadata?

Q21. Difference between an Annotation and a Decorator in Angular?

Q22. What is AOT in Angular?

Q23. What are decorators in Angular?

Q24. Explain MVVM architecture

Q25. What is angular CLI?

Q26. What are the biggest advantages of AOT in Angular?

Q27. Can you explain services in Angular?

Q28. What is JIT in Angular?

Q29. Can you please explain disadvantages of using Angular?

Q30. What is the concept of scope hierarchy in Angular?

Q31. What is string interpolation in Angular?

Q32. What are Pipes in Angular?

Q33. What is the purpose of async pipe?

Q34. What is lazy loading in Angular?

Q35. Explain Angular Authentication and Authorization?

Q36. What is Angular Router?

Q37. How to generate a class in Angular using CLI?

Q38. Please explain the differences between Angular and jQuery?

Q39. What are Pure Pipes?

Q40. What is the difference between Angular expressions and JavaScript expressions?

Q41. What is the purpose of ngFor directive?

Q42. What is an ngModule?

Q43. What do you understand by the router imports?

Q44. What is Angular Material?

Q45. What are filters in Angular?

Q46. Please explain the digest cycle in Angular?

Q47. What are controllers?

Q48. What are the different router events used in Angular Router?

Q49. What is HttpClient, and what are the advantages of it?

Q50. What is the best way to perform Error handling in Angular?

Q51. What is the difference between pure and impure pipe?